Maddox's Little Brother Will Be Here Soon!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oops forgot about my blog....

Oh well! Not like anybody reads it anyway! But since I am extremely bored at's an update! Sorry the picture is sideways, don't know how to fix it ha ha. Anyway, I've reached 28 weeks! yay! Everything is going good so far. Getting pretty frequent contractions, the other day had some really bad back pain and went to go get checked and they just gave me some percocet and sent me home. But everything is ok! They said the outside of my cervix is open, but closed inside? Weird huh. But no baby yet! Still got some cooking to do in there :) There's not really much else going on. Maddox is 18 months now! Wow how the time flies. He amazes me more and more every day. He still doesn't "talk" but he babbles a LOT! He is very smart and understands nearly everything we say. And he is learning his body parts! I love him to pieces. I can't wait til he is officially a big brother! I hope he is good with Xayvian, and doesn't beat up on him or get really jealous. That would suck! I think I'm going to get into Cosmetology school too! I know, my sister is already doing that too, but I think it would be so much fun. I wanted to do ultrasound tech, but the next program isn't until 2012, and there is a waiting list and you have to HOPE you get accepted! Boo. So there is nothing else that really interests me, so I' m just going to go for it! I haven't decided if I should start now, to finish sooner, or wait until after the baby. Many factors to look at and think about before I make a final decision! To much to talk about on here anyway. Well I don't know what else to blab about so, BYE!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So TRUE!!!!

Dear Non-Pregnant Person,

I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women as failing to follow them may result in serious physical harm. If you are thinking, surely she doesn't mean me- then you should probably read this twice.

1) The appropriate response to a couple telling you they are having a baby is "Congratulations!" with enthusiasm. Any other response makes you an ass.

2) Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father- not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase "my baby".

3) On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in #2, the pregnancy, birth and raising of the child are not about you. You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it. The same goes for the name of the baby.

4) The body of a pregnant woman should be treated the same as any other body. You would not randomly touch someone's stomach if they were not pregnant, nor would you inquire into the condition of their uterus, cervix or how they plan to use their breasts. Pregnancy does not remove all traces of privacy from a woman.

5) Likewise, no woman wants to hear comments on her weight - ever. A pregnant woman does not find it flattering that you think she is about is pop, must be having twins, looks swollen or has gained weight in her face. Telling her she looks too small only makes her worry that she is somehow starving her baby. Making such comments invite her to critique your physical appearance, and you may not act offended. The only acceptable comment on appearance is "You look fabulous!"

6) By the time we are 20-30 years old, most of us have picked up on the fact that the summer is hot. We are hot every summer when we are not pregnant. We don't need you to point out that we will be miserably hot before the baby comes.

7) There is a reason that tickets to labor and delivery are not yet sold on Ticketmaster. Childbirth is actually not a public event. It may sound crazy, but some women really do not relish the idea of their mother, mother-in-law or a host of other family members seeing their bare butt and genitals. Also, some people simply feel like the birth of their child is a private and emotional moment to be shared only by the parents. Like everything else in life, unless you receive an invitation, you are NOT invited. This includes doctor appointments, ultrasounds, labor, delivery, the hospital and the parents home. You do not decide if you will be there for the birth or if you will move in with the new parents to "help out". If your assistance is desired, rest assured that you will be asked for it.

8) If you are asked to help after the birth, this means you should clean up the house, help with cooking meals, and generally stay out of the way. Holding the baby more than the parents, interfering with breastfeeding and sleeping schedules and making a woman who is still leaking fluid from multiple locations lift a finger in housework is not helping.

9) The only people entitled to time with the baby are the parents. Whether they choose to have you at the hospital for the birth or ask for you to wait three weeks to visit, appreciate that you are being given the privilege of seeing their child. Complaining or showing disappointment only encourages the parents to include you less.

I hope this helps - it sure makes us feel better.

Signed, All Pregnant Women

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hellloooooo 20 weeks!!!

Wow! I can't believe I am halfway there already. How exciting! I wish the last part would go as fast! Ha ya right. Well not much has been going on! I don't remember what I mentioned in the last post soooooo here goes what I can remember has happened since then! First of all, they did an u/s and found that I have multiple gall stones! GAAAAA!!! That explains all this stomach pain! I knew it was more than "heartburn." Psshh....doctors....Anyway, I met with a surgeon(who was nice enough to ask me when I had my baby, cuz he thought I wasn't pregnant!) He said I can make the decision to do the surgery now, or after the baby. He said if we do it now, there are a few risks such as pre-term labor, and possibly losing the baby. But a 99% chance everything will go great. So I'm probably waiting! Don't want to risk it. Other than that, things are going pretty well. I feel sick a lot, I'm guessing due to the gall bladder. But oh well. The baby moves so much! It's amazing. Maddox is doing great :) Not much of a talker yet, but he will get there! So on to other news.....we got a puppy!!!!
Isn't she adorable? It's a chihuahua. She is about 6-7 weeks. SOOOOO tiny! I named her Milan :) So far, she is a pretty good pup! I bring her to work and she sleeps all day! She isn't yappy...YET! But she does tend to whine at night if she isn't sleeping with me. She loves to cuddle and just sleep anywhere near me as long as she is touching me. It's so cute! Maddox is pretty good with her too. We say "besito besito" which means kiss kiss, and he lays his head on her! It's so cute! Sometimes he gets a little rough and tries to pull her hair! But he will learn :) Anyway, nothing much else is going on in our lives at this point! Erik and I both spend most of our time working. He got switched to a new position so he is working a lot more hours and making a lot more money! Thank goodness, because we don't have anything saved for when the baby arrives, and I sure as heck don't want to come back to work before my 3 months are up! Well I will try to update later! Toodles!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

17 Weeks Already!

Yup. There it is. Now remember when I posted like...a 6 week belly? I was huge!!! Funny how that works. But trust me, my belly gets much bigger throughout the day! I'll have to post a pic from after I eat ha ha. Free willy!!! JK. Anyway, nothing really exciting going on. Oh, well, I did finally get my taxes! It is such a great relief. I stressed about it for way too long. Although we had planned to take a vacation to Cali with the money, that is no longer a possibility. I paid off every bill we had, thank God. So no money left for anything other than savings! I did treat myself to some much needed new clothes, shoes, makeup, etc! Also spoiled Maddox ♥ Love doing that! Feels so good. And now, we have some breathing room every check, and more money to put away for when baby arrives! The name I LOVE LOVE LOVE for the new baby is Xayvian(pronounced Zayvian) But Erik is not a fan. For middle names I like Kendrick and Josiah. Erik doesn't like those either! Go figure. But hey, he chose Maddox, so I get to choose this time! I really don't want to budge on the name. For one, he can't come up with any good suggestions. And two, it's so cute and unique so why not! But I am so excited for this baby, I can't wait to see how Maddox reacts. I hope he doesn't get jealous, he is very much a mommy's boy! The cutest thing he does is when I sing the I Love you Song from Barney, he starts rocking back and forth and lays his head on my chest til I finish the song. It's SO cute! Ahh I love him so much.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Update time!

I really suck at updating this thing. I always forget about it. Oops. Well that, and I really don't have anything exciting to write about. Let's see, I am 16 weeks and 1 day now! Still not much of a belly, and still not gaining weight! I wish I could get out of this ugly in between stage where you almost look pregnant, but more fat than anything! Only if I really stick it out does it look like I'm pregnant! Oh well. I will be regretting that later when I am a huge whale! So far so good though. 2 more weeks til the next dr appt, where they do the big ultrasound and all the measurements. That should be fun. We haven't really done much lately. Saw Alice in Wonderland, that was a good movie! Can't wait for it to come out on dvd. Took Maddox to the playground yesterday, he LOVES being outside! He is so cute running(well, walking fast) around everywhere! He loves slides too, couldn't get him off those things! I just love watching him have fun outside. I can't wait for summer. I want to take him to the zoo, camping, the lake, so many places! And hopefully taxes will be here within the next week(yes, I'm STILL waiting!) and we are planning a trip to Cali to go see my dad and his family. I am so excited. I want to go to the beach SO BAD! I need to find a cute swim suit to wear, even though I look fat no matter what! Oh well, that's part of the beauty of life right! I want to take Maddox to the zoo there too, and the Japanese Tea Gardens, maybe santa cruz boardwalk, and I would LOVE to go to six flags or disneyland, but well, guess being preggo I won't have much fun. But there are plenty of other things to do out there! I wish I could live there. I love it so much.
Other than that, really nothing else going on around here. I am trying to get into Weber State(about an hour or so from me) so I can go into the Ultrasound Tech program. I really want to do that for a living! See babies all day, and get paid good money! But I am having some issues, with my old school University of Phoenix(online) because I owe them money, so they won't release my transcripts til I pay them over 2 grand! Sheesh, gotta jump through hoops to get an education nowadays! I'm trying to work around it though, but if not, I will probably choose a different occupation. I dunno what else I can do! Well that's a long enough update for now, ta ta for NOW!

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's a...............

Yup it sure is! Erik was right, once again! Another little boy runnin around, causing trouble! It's ok though, Maddox will have a little brother. Next time we will get a girl! Ha ha. Everything looks good so far. Every pose he made was just like Maddox, and I swear I have the same pics of Maddox's ultrasounds that I do from this baby! They are so alike. It will be interesting to see if this baby comes out looking like daddy or mommy. I say like me :) Another little white boy! Ha ha. But we shall see. I am very excited and I can't wait. My sister told me she is planning my baby shower! Yay I can't wait. CAKE!!! Ha ha. Except I have awhile to go still. Oh well. I like green and brown for baby shower colors, but that is subject to change :) Man I can't wait for summer, and nice weather! It snowed last night! Boo. It's all melted now though. Except I will be a fat whale this summer! That will suck. But I just want to take Maddox outside places, like to the park, the lake, camping, just lots of places that he hasn't been able to go yet! Oh and the zoo! It should be a good summer :) I can't wait for baby number 2! Boy names are so hard to pick. especially when erik hates EVERYTHING! I like the names Malakai and Alijah Bentley. But Erik hates both. Figures. I told him I will just pick a name, sign the birth certificate, and not even tell him! Ha ha. We can't agree on anything I swear! Oh well, we still have plenty of time to come up with some more names. Anyway, toodles for now!

Monday, March 1, 2010


13 Weeks 3 days! Some days I'm bigger than others I suppose. My sister in law keeps telling me how big I am for only 3 months. I'm like..shut up! I'm pregnant, what's your excuse?! ha ha jk. Well I don't think I'm that big. And yesterday, I come to find out, I've lost 10 pounds so far! I don't know how since I don't really throw up or anything. Weird. Oh well. I have had some concerns lately. One, the bleeding has returned. About a week now. But it is dark brown, just like the dr predicted. But lately I have been having really painful stomach and abdominal pain. It hurts really bad. The nurse said to take tums for it! Weird. And I have also been having contractions! Nothing serious of course, and probably just the braxton hicks, but it still shocked me. The nurse said drink lots of fluids, which I have been, and maybe take a bath. Hmmm. I see the dr on Wednesday, so I will talk to him more about it then. We also find out the sex then, yay! I had a dream last night he had a wee wee! Ha ha ha.
So today was my first day back to work from being on bedrest. Not really what I wanted, but I need the money. So here I am. Joy.
I am STILL waiting on my taxes! Lordy, I filed Jan 30th! They said its in "error status" blah blah blah wait and wait and wait some more! Then when we feel like sending you YOUR money, we will! Idiots. So frustrating. Oh well, nothing to be done about it. Just sit and wait.
Well I believe that's all for now, I will update again when we find out the sex!
OH, Bachelor finale tonight! Go tenley! Even though rumors say vienna wins :( boo.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Been awhile...

So I realize it's been quite some time since I have blogged. My bad. I knew I was going to suck at this! For some reason I thought I should only blog if I have pics to post. I guess that isn't absolutely necessary. Anyway..Hmmm...well not much has happened since last blog. Oh, well over a week ago, on a Sunday I had a scare. I had noticed since Friday I didn't really have much of an appetite. My stomach hurt constantly and I had bad abdominal pain like I was being stabbed. I couldn't eat much either. Well Sunday afternoon I'm getting ready with maddox, and he got Ajax all over him, so I stood up to wash his hands, and I felt a huge gush! I just KNEW it wasn't good. I was covered in blood. So I tell Erik, start bawling, and tell him we have to go to the ER. We debated on it for awhile, because my copay is now $500 for the ER! He kept saying, just wait til Monday! But I couldn't I had to know what was going on. So we went. They took lots of blood of course. Did an ultrasound right away. The baby was bouncing everywhere, thank god! But they said my placenta was about 50% detached and there was a good chance of miscarriage. Depressing. So I had a follow up with my DR the next day. He was so much more reassuring. He said 95% of the time people go on and carry the baby to full term, no problems. Yay. Just to take it easy, nothing strenuous, of course. Went again today for another followup(12 weeks yay!) and the baby was kicking and jumping everywhere! And by the way, I HAVE felt him/her move! Lots and lots. I know you are thinking Shut up Justine, it's too early. Well, I would say so too, but I know my body, and I know the difference between gas and a baby! Thank you very much :) My dr also decided to put me on bedrest for a month. We will see how that goes over with my boss. Hopefully I still have a job! I mean I guess they can't fire me for it, but I am hoping they can find some things for me to do from home. I need my job that's for sure! But I also need to take care of myself and baby #2. In other news, taxes should be arriving tomorrow! I hope so anyway, I have been waiting long enough, and they say tomorrow for sure! I have lots of bills to pay and would LIKE to plan a trip to Cali to visit my family. My dad sure misses Maddox! Whom by the way is getting so big and smarter every day! He walks everywhere now. Little monster! I am going to enjoy being home with him more now. I wish Erik could find a good job so I never had to work again! Wishful thinking I suppose. Well,l will try to update more often. Toodles for now!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Growin belly

Alright so I am aware this isn't the clearest picture ever, but you get the idea!This pic was taken at 8 weeks exactly, just took me forever to upload it on here! I look so much bigger at 6 weeks! Oh well. I like the growing belly :) I am now 8weeks 5 days, almost 9weeks! So excited. I am feeling more and more that it is a boy, but not 100%. Everyone says it's a boy too, so we will see. It will be nice to not have to buy everything again! Although, I still think I wanna buy pink stuff!

On another note, I had a decent weekend. Got a surprise visit from both sisters, Lauren and Sidney. We were gonna take Maddox to the aquarium that day anyway, so Sidney just tagged along. Lauren couldn't go because she didn't have Sophia with her, and well, it wouldn't have been fair without her! So I have tons of pics to upload, Maddox absolutely loved it! He was so cute pointing at all the fish and marine life! I can't wait to take him to the zoo when the weather is nice. Other than that I don't think anything exciting has happened since. Just trying to organize all of my bills and get caught up. My bankruptcy was just discharged so I am working on paying off my recent/current bills and staying on top of them, I don't want to end up back in a hole again. I can't wait to get Erik's w2's so we can file taxes already! Always such a great time of year huh :) Well, I shall update again later! Toodles!

Friday, January 22, 2010

8 Weeks today!

So! I am officially 8 weeks today. Nothing exciting really going on around here. 6 more weeks until we can find out the sex! I don't want to say it...but I am leaning towards another boy. Everyone except one person says boy too. So we will see! I am happy with either, honestly. I think it would be kind of fun to buy pink stuff though! Girls have so many cute clothes, shoes, hair bows, all of that stuff! Plus, I want one of each! But either way, I am happy :) Well I am hoping this weekend we can go to the aquarium! We have only been once, and it was when I was preggo so I want Maddox to experience it. I see in March, they are adding penguins! That should be fun. I can't wait to take him to the zoo. We wanted to see avatar still, but I think we will just go next weekend. I have decided I want to get Erik a ring for valentines. Neither of us have one so I think it's time! We will be married 4 years in August! I think at our 5 year anniversary, I would love to plan a vow renewal/ceremony so we can have a real wedding. Our "wedding" consisted of getting hitched at the courthouse and a small Carne asada(bbq) with his family and my friend and sister. Nothing exciting, and Erik didn't even dress up! So I would like to have somewhat of a real wedding on our 5 year anniversary. Let's see how that goes :) So I was going to surprise Erik with a ring, I found a really nice one with small diamonds! It's $450, but everyone is telling me that is way too much for a guys' ring! What do I know? Plus, I don't know his ring size. Do they come in "Shrek" Ha ha ha ha. He has fat fingers! So I think I will tell him let's go ring shopping this weekend. I found a really pretty 3 band set that I like for me. And it is only $550! I thought rings would be way more! Plus, my friend has a friend who manages a jeweler, so I am hoping he can give us a discount :) Anyway, I shall update later! Have a good weekend everybody!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bad habit!

Bahahahahaha! I know this is SUCH a bad habit, but how can you not laugh at this! It is so freaking funny to see him do this. I think he just figured out all different places on his body where his finger fits! He loves stinking his finger in his ears too! And taking my finger and putting it in his ear! He even puts his finger in MY nose! Ha ha ha. He doesn't know what he is doing, he just sticks it in there and looks around like "Why is everyone laughing?!" It is freaking hilarious. Just had to share this.

Maddox is walking!

My little baby is finally walking! January 19th, 2010! He is a little over 13 months. This is just a little bit of last night when he was walking all over the place! It is the cutest thing ever, and what's even cuter is the big grin he gets on his face when he starts walking! He gets so excited! Awww I ♥ it. He is adorable :)

Ultrasound yay!!

Say Hello to my little beaner! Ha ha. Dr's appointment went well today. Measuring right on track at 7weeks 5 days, due date still my bday, 9/3. The dr was an idiot, he came in and laid me down and started rubbin around my belly and goes, Oh, it's too early to hear the heartbeat let's get you an ultrasound again. He didn't even say anything else! So I got the ultrasound obviously. The heart rate was super strong at 162! I remember Maddox was always really high too. But according to old wives tales that means girl. Obviously, that crap is wrong! Erik goes "Hell yeah it's a boy" Ha ha ha. I'm like uh whatever you say. We will find out in 6 weeks though, I'm countin down til March 5th! Well probably the 6th since that will be a saturday and more convenient for everyone to go. We are going to the fetal studio at the mall to find out.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Good Weekend!

AHEM! The book of Eli was a great movie! I loved it. I love Denzel. He is such a good actor. I was expecting a little more action but I think the flow of the movie was really good, and it had a good story behind it too! I highly recommend this for anyone wondering if it's any good! Definitely is! We have been wanting to see avatar in imax 3d but it has been sold out every stinkin weekend! And it's been out for like a month now! We will have to see it like on a wednesday or something. Oh well. I'm in no rush to see it, it does look good though! Well other than that, nothing exciting happened over the weekend! Hmm...went to Ikea that was fun! I love that place. Sunday we went with Erik's family friend to go eat Salvadoreano food. It was ok. I got the pupusa because I remember my friends dad made it at her baby shower and it was so so good! But this was ok. The price was ridiculous that's for damn sure! I was shocked! We were going to go to the movies, but we had Maddox and I knew he wouldn't be good. So we decided to rent movies and go home. I was irritated at all the people so me and maddox went to my room and fell asleep til everyone was gone! Then we didn't sleep til almost 1am! Ha ha. Well I changed my schedule to 10-6 now, which is so nice, I can sleep in!! I like it a lot. Well sorry if my blog gets boring! I don't know what people like to read about :) So I'll try to post when something exciting happens! That will probably be on wednesday, that's when I get my ultrasound yay! I am 7weeks 3 days today. I think when I posted the last pic of my fat belly, I must've just been bloated. Because I am back to normal now! Ha ha. Well I'm not really feeling any symptoms still. No throwing up, I just feel nauseous occasionally. Usually cured with some fresh fruit! Mmmmm!! I think I have actually lost a few lbs too! Woohoo. I'm sure I will make up for it later :) Anyway I'm done babbling I'll update again later!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Where to begin....

Hmmmm. I really don't know where to begin. This is my first blog...ever. Who knows if
anybody will even read this! But if you are...welcome :) I guess it would be fair to start off
with an "About Me" which I suck at describing this stuff, but here goes anyway.
I am 23 years young. Came into this world September 3 of 1986. Lived a pretty decent
childhood, can't really complain! I have 2 sisters and a brother. My older sister is Lauren,
she is 24 and has a 4 year old daughter named Sophia who is the smartest kid ever! She
is adorable. She just had her second baby, a boy, in November. His name is Drew. Tiny
little thing. My brother is 21 or 22, I forget ha ha. He lives in Coeur d'Alene Idaho, oh I miss
that place :( He has 2 little boys and a girl. They are all like a year apart or something. He
was quite busy! ha ha. He is currently serving in Iraq as a volunteer I think? I dunno but he
should be back in April or May of this year. Pretty scare stuff. My littlest sister is a doll.
Sidney, she is 17 and lives with my mother in Idaho, about an hour or so from me. She
hates it there, as would anyone else in that situation. My parents divorced in 99 and my
dad is in California. Very happily remarried too :) There are so many good things I could
say about my dad, but that would take up my entire blog. Basically, he is the best
influence in my life. He always has good advice, and even though I don't always follow it, I
learn the hard way and he is always saying I told ya so. He is always there for me no
matter what, more than anyone else in my life. I am so grateful for him!
I guess I should skip all this boring stuff and get to current events. Well most current
anyway. Hmmm After I graduate HS in Cali in June 04, I decided to follow my sister and
come out to Utah. Why? I still don't know. But less than a month later I met Erik. We dated
for 3 years, and married August 22(I think bahahah) of 2006. Ok I guess that means we
dated 2 years. Ha ha my bad. Anyway, man what a crazy rollercoaster with him it has
been. We have had so many ups and downs, but somehow we manage to not give up on
each other. We try to make things work. And although he isn't as helpful as I would like,
we work with it. He is far from perfect, but I love him regardless. He is 100% mexican.
Which is weird, I really never thought I would ever end up with anyone hispanic! Not that I
have anything against them at all. Actually I have learned quite a lot from him and his
family. I learned to speak spanish yay. I love a lot of the spanish music and artists, the
food, the culture, just everything about it! And they are very family oriented. Well during
our relationship, we have suffered a few losses in pregnancies. It has only made us want
a baby even more. So we didn't give up. In April 08 we found out once again that we were
expecting, due christmas. Surprise! At 14 weeks I couldn't wait any longer and went to the
Fetal Studio and found out the sex. Erik didn't even show up, because he said it was a
waste of money and he already knew it was a boy. Well, for once he was right ha ha. So it
was a looonnnggg fattening pregnancy. I was put on bedrest around 7 months for
pre-term labor. Not gonna lie, I practically lived in the hospital! Every time I felt something
"different" I was like Oh we gotta go! Ha ha. Always a false alarm. I remember the week I
actually went into labor, I had him on Friday 12/12. at 3:11pm. But on Wednesday and
Thursday I had been screaming in pain because my back was hurting so so bad. Me and
erik didn't get any sleep because I was up all night just screaming at the top of my lungs.
Both wed and thurs the dr's sent me home and gave me some drugs. Finally, Friday
morning at like 5am(Erik had to be to work at 6) Erik decided he was just going to take me
in to the hospital again because he knew I was in pain and something wasn't right. Well I
got there, was wheeled up to labor and delivery, and they said "Are you going to have an
epidural?" I was like Uh duh? And they said ok let's have a baby! I was like wow, now?!
Well I got the drugs and I was in heaven I LOVE epidurals!!! It was amazing. I felt nothing. I
slept as much as I could throughout the day. The dr came in and broke my water(felt
nothing) I slept some more. They kept checking me and each time I was dilated a little
more. Finally at about 3 they came in and said ok Time to push! Man, that was so easy ha
ha. I think I pushed about 15 minutes and he was out! It was kind of awkward because my
mother in law and sister in law were in the room watching it all(eww they say my nether
regions!) But it's all good. This is her first grandkid so they were all super excited. Maddox
was 8lb 2.3oz and 19 inches long. He was a chunk! Anyway, it was a great labor :)
Sooooooo it didn't take long for me to realize that I wanted another one, and quick! Ha ha.
Erik said I was nuts. I have enjoyed every second I spend with Maddox. He really is a fun,
amazing, smart, adorable little boy! I love being with him. He is always getting into trouble,
and is definitely testing my patience(which I still need to work on.) But I love every minute
of it. He is 13 months now, and is not quite walking on his own yet, but he is 98% of the
way there! Any day now. Well my husband and I decided last month to start trying for
another baby. Low and behold, I got my christmas present :) Estimated due date is also
my bday, Sep 3! Woohoo. Erik Says it is another boy. I dunno why he is so scared of
having a girl! I am fine either way. I keep joking with him that it's twins haha. That would be
awesome :) Well today I am about 6 weeks 5 days. Already had an ultrasound but it was
too early and just saw a black dot. Next dr appt is the 20th, so I'm sure we will see
something then! This pregnancy hasn't been too bad so far. No morning sickness,
haven't really even felt pregnant. Just tired! I never got sick with Maddox either. So maybe
I will get lucky :) I just feel nauseous all the time. Which is normal. I am going to try and eat
healthier this time around, since I don't want to blow up again! I got huge with Maddox,
gained 40lbs! So anyway, this should be fun. I will try and update as often as possible, if
there is ever anything exciting going on! Thanks for reading this looonnnggg but
shortened version of my life!